summer food assistance
Summer is a time when many families’ routines and schedules are affected by school breaks, sporting activities, outdoor activities, and heat-related restrictions. Also, summer is a time for additional faith opportunities such as summer bible schools, church camps, retreats, family reunions, church picnics, etc. Therefore, we would like to help New London, Wakeman and Greenwich area families make their summer joyful and faithful.
Simon Acts provides free summer food baskets that typically include non-perishable items such as cereal, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni & cheese, tuna fish, soup, cereal bars, Jello cups, Spaghettios, canned fruit, etc. Depending on the response, some limited perishable items may also be included. Food recipients shall have children that attend New London, Western Reserve or South Central schools.
We are blessed to have a variety of churches in our area and we ask that you consider attending a service at a church of your choice to celebrate the Word of God and His plan for our salvation. Also, some of the local churches have scheduled summer events that are specifically tailored for children and young adults. We will include a list of bible camps within the food basket for you to consider having your children attend.
If you are interested in receiving food, please contact the social worker at the respective school or call us at 419-651-5797 to obtain the application form. Please note that the supply is limited and all requests may not be able to accommodated. Those individuals whose requests will be able to be accommodated will be contacted prior to the food distribution.​